Working in collaborative mode
A means of facilitating exchange between experts
Collaborative work aims to facilitate the exchange between professionals of one or more organizations looking to achieve the same goal or produce a piece of work together. It can be implemented through project communities, virtual teams, working groups…
Collaborative work aims to facilitate the exchange between professionals of one or more organizations looking to achieve the same goal or produce a piece of work together. It can be implemented through project communities, virtual teams, working groups…
Creating an environnement suited to the organisation that allows employees to succeed
Deploying collaborative work consists of creating an environment in which employees who may be in different countries, regions of the world or even different organisations can work together to produce quality deliverables. Which means adapting different perspectives : within the organization, on processes, behavior, mutual trust, leadership technology…
In this area, KnowledgeConsult mainly works with employees with the aim of :
- Defining and implementing collaborative methods relevant to the organizational context
- Identifying specific and general obstacles to deploying collaborative work
- Developing leadership skills for those requiring it, particularly by defining methodology guidelines
- Implementing grassroots participation
- Training the relevant participants