Facilitate face-to-face or digital interactions

Move beyond spontaneity of interactions between employees

More and more, employees of different coutries, parts of the world or organisations develop their interactions in face-to-face or digital events, workshops or simple meetings. Unfortunately, the results usually obtain trough these interactions don’t always meet the expectations of the parties.

Implement appropriate conditions to obtain efficiency and quality in interactions

In order to succed in organization of interaction between employees of various backgrounds, defining respective places of socialisation and delivery, creativity and compliance, collaborative work and training, humour and rigor, textual and graphical, face-to-face and digital… in events, workshops and simple meetings and run better what it has been defined.

For face-to-face or digital events, workshops or simple meetings, KnowledgeConsult provides services to help you:

  • Define and realise animations
  • Provide a coaching to teams to enable them to be completely efficient in their collaborative work
  • Develop the leadership skills of employees in charge of defintion and animation
  • Design defintion and animation guidelines and tools
  • Train employees to defintion and animation
Contact us for more details.