Web semantics

Web semantics – an overview

As part of the GFII*’s initiative to launch a working group around web semantics, Jean Delahousse (founder of Mondeca, new Co-Director of KnowledgeConsult),  gave an introductory overview : « Web semantics – state of the art » . The programme included presentations of applications of ontologies, controlled vocabularies and Open Data … which, despite the central themes being discussed many times during the course of the last fifteen years, are now coming to fruition with the development of concrete projects and applications; for this conference, presentations covered the legal and public sector (aimed at an audience made up predominently of information officers). For details of the programme (in French) and to obtain further information, see here (GFII website) or contact Jean Delahousse. How are you planning to incorporate web semantics into your organisation?   * GFII : Groupement français des Industries de l’Information, a French non-profit organisation bringing together major actors in the French « information » market Return to the list of blog posts

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